Raina's Story: Lin revolutionized my understanding of myself
I had a nervous breakdown six years ago, I completely fell apart, which is when I started having serious lower back pain.
I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I could only do one thing per day and then I was debilitated on my couch for the rest of the day.
I saw doctors about it, they put me on medications; I did acupuncture, yoga, everything.
One day, my therapist told me about success stories with Lin, so I decided to give it a try.
The relief I felt was immediate.
When I started the program, it was so validating to hear that I was not crazy, I wasn’t broken, and that there was an actual plan that could help me.
My coach, Ashton, has been guiding me, supporting me, validating me, and pushing me beyond my comfort zone. We discussed so many fears I have had and how to overcome them.
I constantly do somatic tracking and I learned to track my vagus nerve – it revolutionized my understanding of myself. I have a laid out plan, I just need to follow the steps.
Now I know that I’m not weird; I might be broken, but I know how to fix myself now.
I can sleep through the night again, my pain doesn’t rule my day. I have a toolkit now.
My Recovery Toolbox
My mantra: I am safe.
Fear busting thought: I’m learning to feel my feelings instead of shutting down. It’s so destructive to disassociate from my feelings, no matter how hard they are, stay with them.